Friday, January 30, 2015

            Sometimes when I look at a painting I can feel the spirit of the one who painted it.  I can feel their inner most emotion.  At least the emotion they were feeling at the time they painted the picture before me.  Examples of some artist whose paintings elicit this feeling are Thomas Kinkade, Salvador Dali, and Vincent Van Gogh.  Their accomplishment in placing their emotion and spirit into their painting is, in my opinion, the ultimate accomplishment of an artist.
            In almost all of Thomas Kinkade’s art there is not only the amazing image of light, but that light penetrates the onlooker’s soul.  One can feel the light.

Thomas Kinkade even speaks of the light that he paints.  It is not just something that allows you to see, but a metaphor for the spirit within you that can overcome evil.  Thomas Kinkade’s love for Jesus gave him a different kind of light that shined through his paintings.

The following painting is one to look at for a few minutes.  See if you can feel what Thomas Kinkade is feeling, the spirit of Thomas Kinkade.

 I remember being introduced to Salvador Dali’s paintings in high school.  We even watched a movie featuring him in art class.  His spirit was very strong in both his paintings and his presence.  His spirit felt contrary to my own, yet he managed to invoke strong feelings through his paintings.

“What is important is to spread confusion, not eliminate it.” 
Salvador Dalí

Reading quotes from Salvador Dali actually makes his paintings make more sense because you can see a little more of the spirit which created them.  It seems as though he wanted to portray the feelings that drugs elicited on people in his paintings.

“I don't do drugs. I am drugs.” 
Salvador Dalí

If you are looking at Salvador Dali paintings, you do not need to do drugs, you can experience the wonder in a healthier way. Salvador Dali is truly a master at placing his spirit and emotion into paintings!

     Vincent Van Gogh is another artist who transfers great feeling to viewers of his paintings.  It seems that each of his paintings portrays a different spiritual experience.  Take the two following paintings for example.

 The first painting titled “At Eternity’s Gate” gives a feeling of sorrow and desperation while the second painting feels peaceful and makes one want to take a nap in the field.  

This quote portrays a feeling of the need to be excepted and not feeling as if he was excepted.

The above quote is inspiring, a different emotional moment for Van Gogh.  He was a superb portrayer of emotion.  Any artist could only hope to portray their emotions as effectively as Van Gogh.

            In conclusion, some of the greatest artists have accomplished the ability to put a part of their spirit and emotion into a painting.  In the painting this spirit has the ability to be shared and influential for generations to come.  In my own artwork I desire to do the same.  I am far from having that ability now but with work hope to accomplish what these great artists have!

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